Abstract:E TAKE PLEASURE in again submitting to the consideration of our friends and the public generally our Price List for the coming season, feeling certain of our ability to please all kindly favoring us w...E TAKE PLEASURE in again submitting to the consideration of our friends and the public generally our Price List for the coming season, feeling certain of our ability to please all kindly favoring us with their orders.OUR STOCK has made a good growth, and is absolutely free from all injurious insects, diseases and defects.The assortment in both the fruit and ornamental departments of our establishment having become so extensive, we have found it necessary to divide our Descriptive Catalogue into two parts;(in separate publications, ) the first to include Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Grapes, etc., and the second, Ornamental Nursery Stock only.They will be designated as Nos.I and 2, respectively, in our list of Catalogues, and will be issued only from time to time, as circumstances may require.A price list, known as No. 3 (this one), which merely gives prices and sizes on the contents of Nos. 1 and 2, will also be published.All may be had free on application.We shall include in either only such articles as we have actually growing on our grounds, (being the only firm on the coast that really grows, themselves, all they offer,) and have aimed to confine ourselves to cultivating only such varieties in both departments as, with proper care, will give entire satisfaction to our customers.A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit our grounds, where the stock may be seen in different stages of cultivation.Our Nursery can be reached from San Francisco by boats leaving Market Street Wharf, and connecting with trains for Niles, at 7:30,Read More