Title: Rhythms of the Afro-Atlantic world: rituals and remembrances
Abstract:In an interview with Benetta Jules-Rosette, Paulin Joachim, one of the ‹rst West African cineasts and an active participant in the Negritude movement, insists on such a quest of inserting "African cul...In an interview with Benetta Jules-Rosette, Paulin Joachim, one of the ‹rst West African cineasts and an active participant in the Negritude movement, insists on such a quest of inserting "African culture into the civilization of the white man.It was to af‹rm our presence, pure African presence, because the colonizers have always negated our culture, as if they could be a people without a culture . . .We wanted to create an African renaissance in Paris, to signify to the European in which we were immersed that blacks had their own culture and could assert that culture and that presence in the white world" (Benetta Jules-Rosette, Black Paris:Read More