Title: Decision-Making Biases and Employability: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Capital
Abstract:College students' employability is the core concern for society and college.It is defined as the comprehensive abilities and traits needed for employment and career development of college students.Col...College students' employability is the core concern for society and college.It is defined as the comprehensive abilities and traits needed for employment and career development of college students.College students that have higher self-efficacy, higher achievement motivation and lower decisionmaking biases state on their career are easier to make their employment success.In the period of jobhunting and career development, psychological capital (self-efficacy, emotional intelligence and achievement motivation) plays an important role to make employment success, and is related to work performance, turnover rate, well-being, commitment, and satisfaction as well.For poor decisions of their career, the related problems occur in their following time of career development, such as resignation, lower satisfaction and well-being level, bad performance and commitment resulting from regret or passive states.The Positive psychological capital (self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience) has significant positive relationship with performance and satisfaction among workers in USA (Luthans, 2007).Further relationships among psychological capital, decision-making biases and employability of college students are motivated to study.Mainly in terms of judgment and evaluation of information source, there were three types heuristics of decision-making biases as representative heuristic, availability heuristic, and anchoring and adjustment heuristic.Psychological capital is defined as the general psychological abilities, which can representative person's overall psychological resources (Luthans, 2004).Psychological capital isRead More