Title: The Effects of Bodymax High-Repetition Resistance Training on Measures of Body Composition and Muscular Strength in Active Adult Women
Abstract:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a light, high-repetition resistance-training program on skin-fold thicknesses and muscular strength in women. Thirty-nine active women (mean...The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a light, high-repetition resistance-training program on skin-fold thicknesses and muscular strength in women. Thirty-nine active women (mean age 38.64 ± 4.97 years) were randomly placed into a resistance-training group (RT; n = 20) or a control group (CG; n = 19). The RT group performed a resistance-training program called Bodymax for 1 hour, 3 d wk−1, which incorporated the use of variable free weights and high repetitions in a group setting. The CG group continued its customary aerobic training for 1 hour 3 d wk-1. Five skinfold and 7 muscular strength measures were determined pretraining and after 12 weeks of training. Sum of skinfolds decreased (−17 mm; p < 0.004) and muscular strength increased (+57.4 kg; p < 0.004) in the RT group. Effect sizes for individual skinfold sites and strength measures were “medium” and “high,” respectively. Bodymax is an effective resistance-training program for reducing skinfold thickness and increasing muscular strength in active women. Therefore, women with a similar or lower-activity status should consider incorporating such training into their regular fitness programs.Read More