Title: Form Excess to Access: A New Form of Food Distribution in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Abstract:Global food production and distribution to cities have created opportunities and difficulties, simultaneously. Exploring global and local development and distribution, this thesis aims to explore how ...Global food production and distribution to cities have created opportunities and difficulties, simultaneously. Exploring global and local development and distribution, this thesis aims to explore how food production and distribution has evolved over time, as well as how agricultural technology and architectural design can contribute to a new form of food distribution in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Through localization and using the latest agricultural technologies, a new food exchange hub will be designed to focus on providing healthy, perishable foods to the community. The intent is to redirect and transform the current state of the global food system from a position of excess to a state of access. By re-designing an abandoned pump house station it will act as a central hub where farmers and consumers in Winnipeg will be able to interact, giving the opportunity to consumers to know where, when, and how their food is grown, produced, and distributed.Read More