Title: Notes on an interglacial deposit in Ballykeerogemore Townland and an interstadial deposit in Battlestown Townland, both in County Wexford
Abstract:Ballykeerogemore: 6km south of New Ross, interglacial muds and silts (probably of Gortian age) were disturbed by ice (probably of Munsterian age) which thrust diamicts into them. The disturbed deposit...Ballykeerogemore: 6km south of New Ross, interglacial muds and silts (probably of Gortian age) were disturbed by ice (probably of Munsterian age) which thrust diamicts into them. The disturbed deposits were later partly buried by outwash (glaciofluvial) sands and gravels. Still later there was extensive development of ground-ice in the area, and many arcuate banks formed when the ground-ice melted.Read More