Title: Pre-Service English Teachers’ Collaborative Learning Experience as Reflected in Genre-Based Writing
Abstract:This study aims at investigating pre-service English teachers’ collaborative learning as reflected in genre-based writing classes. 37 PSETs involved as the experimental group, 43 PSETs participated as...This study aims at investigating pre-service English teachers’ collaborative learning as reflected in genre-based writing classes. 37 PSETs involved as the experimental group, 43 PSETs participated as the control group. Data collection used observation and questionnaire through the quasi-experimental method. Data were analyzed through the multivariate for GLM model, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank, and qualitative descriptive. The findings showed PSETs’ achievement significantly increased (p<.01) after PSETs’ collaborative learning was engaged. The paired samples test were M=2.744; SD=1.347 for recount, M=2.767; SD=1.771 for narrative, and M=3.488; SD=1.594 for descriptive paragraphs. The experimental group tests were Z=-5.340; p<.01 for recount, Z=-5.323; p<.01 for narrative, and Z=-5.320; p<.01 for descriptive paragraphs. Pre and post-tests fulfilled genres’ achievement criteria. Mean increased among those paragraphs (recount=70.51 to 73.26; narrative=71.58 to 74.35, anddescriptive=71.07 to 74.56). Another finding indicated 45 respondents positively responded to the collaborative learning practice, whereas 11 respondents had problems with the practice.Read More