Title: Phytochemical analysis and anti-diabetic activity of Cadaba fruticosa R.Br.
Abstract:Alcohol and aqueous extract of Cadaba fruticosa (leaves) were subjected for hypoglycemic activity in wistar rats (160-200 g). The oral administration of leaf extracts at dose 1000 mg/kg led to a signi...Alcohol and aqueous extract of Cadaba fruticosa (leaves) were subjected for hypoglycemic activity in wistar rats (160-200 g). The oral administration of leaf extracts at dose 1000 mg/kg led to a significant blood glucose reduction. Phytochemical analysis of alcohol extract revealed the presence of terpenoids, flavanoids, steroids, proteins, alkaloids, gums, sugars and saponins but negative result was observed in aqueous extract except terpenoids, flavonaids, proteins, furans, gums and sugars. This study brings out the evidence regarding pharmacological and phytochemical activities of C. fruticosa. Keywords: Acute toxicity, anti-diabetic, alloxaninduced diabetes, Cadaba fruticosaRead More