Title: Manchu Language Pedagogical Practices: The Connections Between Manuscript and Printed Books
Abstract:This paper explores the history of Manchu language education during the Qing dynasty in order to reconstruct the relationships between printed pedagogical genres and their manuscript counterparts.Thro...This paper explores the history of Manchu language education during the Qing dynasty in order to reconstruct the relationships between printed pedagogical genres and their manuscript counterparts.Through a consideration of both the revolutionary nature of Manchu language pedagogy and evidence from manuscript materials in the Harvard-Yenching Library, it reconstructs the hypothetical progression of Manchu language students during the Qing dynasty. 《論清代滿語敎學中刻本與抄本之關聯》Devin FitzgeralD 馮坦風 加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校圖書館特藏部 摘要 本篇論文旨在探究大清年間滿語敎學業的發展史,並推測出此時段滿語敎學書籍中 刻本與抄本之間的關聯。本文攷慮到,於該時段所施行的滿語教學方法,在中國當時 的語言敎學界內是空前的。在此之上,筆者亦在哈佛大學燕京圖書館特藏的滿文手寫 本中找到了對清朝滿語敎學業較爲直觀的記載和描述Read More