Title: Knowledge based Medical Decision Support System using Data Mining
Abstract:Medical0 0Decision0 0Support0 0System0 (0MDSS0)[7] is a system where information 0of0 the patient for1promising1diagnostic and1treatment paths are depicted. It can1be developed either1as the system fo...Medical0 0Decision0 0Support0 0System0 (0MDSS0)[7] is a system where information 0of0 the patient for1promising1diagnostic and1treatment paths are depicted. It can1be developed either1as the system for1Knowledge base or the system for1Learning base[2]. Knowledge-based systems[3] are the mappings which 0are0 0human0-0engineered0 0from0 the 0best0 0medical0 0practices0 0and0 0patient0 0data0 0recommendations0 [1]. The mapping is derived by Learning-based systems using various techniques of data mining, machine learning.. 0Knowledge0-0based0 0and0 0Learning0-0based0 0systems0 are integrated 0to0 0provide0 a powerful 0solution0 0to0 0the0 0information0 0challenge 0in0 0the0 0existence0 0of0 incomplete facts. This work designs a framework and implements 0an0 ontological representation for 0Integrated0 Medical 0Decision0 0Support0 0System0 which assists Medical Professionals in making clinical decisions for drug prescription. It employs Knowledge base system for drug prescription 0to0 0the0 0patients. If0 0the0 0available0 0data0 0is0 0incomplete, 0it0 uses concept of 0machine0 0learning0 to produce solution for the given 0query0 [5]. 0It0 0is0 best suited 0for0 0different0 0healthcare0 environment 0and0 0many0 0different0 0users0 including physicians, nurses and other staff who serve in medical field. The skeleton is 0query0-0based0 which 0can0 0be0 adjusted 0for0 0use0 0with0 0many0 0different0 interfaces on the user-end 0including0 0Desktop, 0Web-based0 browsers and Mobile 0applications.Read More