Title: The lychee and lungan, by George Weidman Groff ... with eleven appendices, including contributions by Frederick V. Coville, Walter T. Swingle, Edward Goucher, and Michael J. Hagerty, all of the the United States Department
Abstract:Rubbing of Ts'ai Hsiang' s "Li Chih P'u." (Two-fifths natural SIZE is Sap saa. 5 Reproduction of a Copy of Ts'ai Hsiang's "Li Chih P'u" Written on Silk.(About two-fifths natural size.) . .Reproduction...Rubbing of Ts'ai Hsiang' s "Li Chih P'u." (Two-fifths natural SIZE is Sap saa. 5 Reproduction of a Copy of Ts'ai Hsiang's "Li Chih P'u" Written on Silk.(About two-fifths natural size.) . .Reproduction of a Page of Ts'ai Hsiang's "Li Chih P'u" in the Tsung LiRead More