Title: Chapman on New South American Birds Descriptions of New Flycatchers from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru Frank M. Chapman Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Tracheophonae from Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia Frank M. Chapman
Abstract:Chapman on New South American Birds.--Dr.Chapman'2 continued studies of the South American avifauna have resulted in two more contributions since our last issue.The first of these t contains descripti...Chapman on New South American Birds.--Dr.Chapman'2 continued studies of the South American avifauna have resulted in two more contributions since our last issue.The first of these t contains descriptions of new forms of Mecocerculus, Ochthoeca (2), Platytriccus Poecilotriccus, E•scarthmus, Spizitornis (3), Mionectes, and Phaeomyias,--all belonging to the Tyrannidae and obtained from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.The second paper 2 treats of Tracheophonae and includes two new genera, Xenornis (p. 1) for X. seriftons, a curions new species obtained at Tacarcuna, eastern Panama, in 1915, but which still remains unique; and Apocryptorn/s (p. 5) for another novelty, A. lineifrons, from the Papalacta River, allied to G-rallaria and Hylopezus.There are also new forms described of the genera, Dysithamnus, Melanopareia, Chamaeza, Synallaxis, Cranioleuca, and Xiphorhynchus.--W.S. Chapman and Griscom on 'The House Wrens of the Genus Troglodytes.'--Thispaper a is a model of its kind.Not only is theRead More