Title: Stretchable and Reactive Membranes of Metal–Organic Framework Nanosurfactants on Liquid Droplets Enable Dynamic Control of Self‐Propulsion, Cargo Pick‐Up, and Drop‐Off
Abstract:Dynamic Multifunctional Surfactants As described in article number 1900065, by Bartosz A. Grzybowski and co-workers, water droplets covered with layers of sub-micrometer metal–organic framework (MOF) ...Dynamic Multifunctional Surfactants As described in article number 1900065, by Bartosz A. Grzybowski and co-workers, water droplets covered with layers of sub-micrometer metal–organic framework (MOF) particles react to external stimuli, engulf external objects, process these objects chemically, propel themselves to different locations, and expel the debris therein. This sequence of dynamic events is thought of as a rudimentary chemical mimic of phagocytosis performed by live cells.Read More