Title: Livingston's "true blue" seeds wholesale catalog for market gardeners and florists
Abstract:With "Livingston's True Blue"' Seeds YEARS ago we entered the seed industry as growers for 89 mnirket gardeners.These many years' association with seeds and prominent growers and a conscientious effor...With "Livingston's True Blue"' Seeds YEARS ago we entered the seed industry as growers for 89 mnirket gardeners.These many years' association with seeds and prominent growers and a conscientious effort in growing and selecting ''True Blue' Seeds has developed Livingston strains of unusual merit that are particularly adaptable to the needs of this highly competitive 1939 market.To those of you who may have received this catalog for the first time or who have not used '*True Blue' Seeds, your serious consideration a OGD CI Se STONE ing type and the leading variety with shippers and gardeners.It forms a large head consisting of a cluster of bluish green flower-heads.When this central head is removed the plant develops numerous lateral sprouts, each of which produces a small head.These are cut, leaving about 6 inches of the stem, bunched for market, and are cooked and served like cauliflower.Ready in about 90 days; 43 days from trans.Pkt. 10 cts.; %4 oz.20 ae ; ae 35) cts.; 34 Ib.$1.15; Ib. $4.00: S Ibs.EARLY LARGE WHITE.Similar to cauliflower, but more hardy.Heads are medium size, close and compact.One of the most certain to head.60 days from trans.wPkt.10 cts.; 14 oz.25 cts.; oz.40 cts.; %4 Ib. $1.35; Ib. $4.75; 5 Ibs.$23.25.Brussels Sprouts One ounce produces 3000 plants, 1%4 pound to an acre PRIDE OF DENMARK.A fine variety, growing about 3 feet tall.Sprouts develop along entire stock at one time.65 days from trans.Pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; 4 lb.65 cts.; lb.$2.00; 5 Ibs.$9.50.Long Island Improved Dwarf.Hardy, early, dwarf variety with heads developing successively.Pict.et] 10 cts.; 02. 25 cts.; % Ib. 70 cts.;Ib. $2.25.5 lbs, oaeee Italian Green Sprouting Broccoli $10.75.Read More