Title: Safety and Effectiveness of Placement of Pacemaker Leads for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in the Axillary Vein by Double Target-guided Venipuncture
Abstract:Background: The increasing incidence of damage to pacemaker leads for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT. is an emerging problem that should be prevented. The extrathoracic venipuncture approach h...Background: The increasing incidence of damage to pacemaker leads for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT. is an emerging problem that should be prevented. The extrathoracic venipuncture approach has been suggested as a technique for venous access to avoid the problem. Methods and Results: 10 patients had pacemaker lead placement for CRT using the double target method. The lead was inserted in the extrathoracic portion of the subclavian and/or axillary veins without complications in all of the patients. Conclusion: This approach achieves accurate, safe, and speedy extrathoracic venipuncture and is especially suitable for multiple lead placements for CRT.Read More