Title: Advanced Drinking Water Treatment Using Ozone Resistant Membrane (III)
Abstract:In order to achieve an efficient and economical advanced drinking water treatment system, the relationship between operating conditions, membrane filtration flux and water qualities was examined by us...In order to achieve an efficient and economical advanced drinking water treatment system, the relationship between operating conditions, membrane filtration flux and water qualities was examined by using pilot plant consisting of ozonation facility and ozone resistant microfiltration (MF) module. In previous reports, it became obviously that interplay between foulant on the membrane surface and ozone was important for high filtration flux. In this study, membrane filtration system which ozone was used for backwash was examined on the assumption for unnecessary raw water of advanced treatment. From experimental results, it was found that backwash by permeate containing ozone made it possible to provide a high filtration flux. Furthermore, the long term running test was carried out at the flux of more than 2m^3/m^2/day in the condition of backwash by permeate containing dissolved ozone of 7mg/L. And quality of filtrate of the MF module constantly satisfied the Japanese standard for drinking water.Read More