Title: The Effects of Restructuring on the Working Power in Serbia
Abstract:Enterprise restructuring implies not only the issues of customizing companies with changing marketdemands, but also fundamental changes that can comprise different areas of importance for an organizat...Enterprise restructuring implies not only the issues of customizing companies with changing marketdemands, but also fundamental changes that can comprise different areas of importance for an organization's business,such as: changes in ownership, in the organizational structure, in human resources, in technology and in tenology, inprocesses and in products. Serbia has not yet entered the "restructuring", although in the world of 80 and 90 years ofthe last century it is called the restructuring period. In a significant number of large companies, with a large share inemployment, problems with efficiency in business have been identified. The lack of change through restructuringprocesses brings Serbian companies to an increasingly difficult position in terms of market competitiveness andcompetitiveness. These companies are not exclusively oriented towards market-viable business. The process ofrestructuring in developed economies as a rule follows the loss of jobs and in modern business conditions, downsizingis a strategy often used by many companies for the first time. This leads to unwanted social and psychological effects.The paper will show the problems of late transition in the Serbian economy and the issues of the restructuring processand the effects of the dismissal of the labor force. Also, the results of applying some models of restructuringcompanies in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe will be presented.Read More