Title: Looking for Semantic Similarity: What a Vector Space Model of Semantics Can Tell Us About Attention in Real-world Scenes
Abstract:The visual world contains more information than we can perceive and understand in any given moment. Therefore, we must prioritize important scene regions for detailed analysis. Semantic knowledge gain...The visual world contains more information than we can perceive and understand in any given moment. Therefore, we must prioritize important scene regions for detailed analysis. Semantic knowledge gained through experience is theorized to play a central role in determining attentional priority in real- world scenes but is poorly understood. Here we examined the relationship between object semantics and attention by combining a vector space model of semantics with eye movements in scenes. Within this approach, the vector space semantic model served as the basis for a concept map, an index of the spatial distribution of the semantic similarity of objects across a given scene. The results showed a strong positive relationship between the semantic similarity of a scene region and viewers’ focus of attention, with greater attention to more semantically related scene regions. We conclude that object semantics play a critical role in guiding attention through real-world scenes.Read More