Title: Membrane damage: common mechanisms of induction and prevention
Abstract:Common features in the induction of pores by various agents are as follows: induction is stochastic and progressive; damage by different agents is often synergistic and limited. The prevention of memb...Common features in the induction of pores by various agents are as follows: induction is stochastic and progressive; damage by different agents is often synergistic and limited. The prevention of membrane damage is affected by trivalent and divalent cations, by low pH, by low ionic strength and by high osmotic pressure. The inhibitory role of protons and divalent cations is considered in greater detail: pore-forming agents can be classified into two groups: channels across planar lipid bilayers induced by the first group display voltage-sensitive, reversible inhibition by divalent cations; channels of the second group show voltage-insensitive, irreversible inhibition by divalent cations. A search for the ligands to which divalent cations and protons bind has proved elusive. Comparison with the phenomenon of ‘surface conductance’ through narrow apertures, that is manifest in the absence of any pore-forming agent, may prove fruitful.Read More