Title: Clinico laboratory assessment of Late Sequel in Childhood Cancer Survivors at Pediatric Oncology Department South Egypt Cancer Institute
Abstract:Introduction:"Late effects" are defined as therapy-related complications or adverse effects that persist or arise 2 years after completion of treatment.The 5 years cure rate for childhood cancer is no...Introduction:"Late effects" are defined as therapy-related complications or adverse effects that persist or arise 2 years after completion of treatment.The 5 years cure rate for childhood cancer is now nearly 80%, and for some cancers, such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia and Hodgkin's disease, cure rates exceed 90% . (6)early two-thirds of all of childhood cancer survivors will suffer some late effects, and the endocrine system is commonly involved.Care of the childhood cancer survivor is shifting from merely the detection of relapse to an improved understanding of the long-term sequeale of cancer treatment 13) .The Children's Oncology Group Long-Term Follow-Up Guidelines for Survivors of Children, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancers (COG LTFUG), most recently updated in 2006, provide a summary of late effects of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy,and stem cell transplant (4) .Progress in therapy has made survival into adulthood a reality for most children, adolescents, and young adults diagnosed with cancer today.Notably, this growing population remains vulnerable to a variety of long-term therapy-related sequeale.Systematic ongoing follow-up of these patients, therefore, is important for providing for early detection of and intervention for potentially serious late-onset complications.In addition, health counseling and promotion of healthy lifestyles are important aspects of long-term follow-up care to promote risk reduction for health problems that commonly present during adulthood (9) .The laboratory investigations are one of the main tools for detection of late effects in childhood cancer survivors, used for detection of these late effects, also for follow up and monitoring of these late effects which include the detection of endocrinal late effects such as thyroid disorders and infertility, hepatitis and anemia. AimScreening and assessment of late treatment -related complications in our survivors resulting from therapy for childhood cancers at Pediatric OncologyRead More