Title: International seminar on "Is access enough? Understanding and addressing unmet need for family planning"
Abstract:The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Reproductive Health, in collaboration with STEP UP and AFIDEP, held a seminar in Nanyuki, Kenya, in May 2013. The seminar brought together 44 scientists, policymakers, an...The IUSSP Scientific Panel on Reproductive Health, in collaboration with STEP UP and AFIDEP, held a seminar in Nanyuki, Kenya, in May 2013. The seminar brought together 44 scientists, policymakers, and program managers to present and discuss a range of issues relating to the definition, determinants, and consequences of unmet need for family planning and program interventions designed specifically to reduce unmet need in groups at high risk. Based on discussions and presentations, unmet need (and family planning in general) should be looked at both from a development perspective and from a service-delivery and health-sector perspective. Overall, the seminar papers, presentations, and discussions asserted that physical access is no longer the primary barrier to addressing unmet need for family planning and that a range of other individual, community, and delivery system characteristics need to be considered.Read More