Title: Application of Time and Motion for Performance Enhancement of Building Construction Industry
Abstract:Construction industry is, as we all know growing at very fast rate to match the current and innovative requirements. Still there are so many reasons of delaying and cost overruns in construction indus...Construction industry is, as we all know growing at very fast rate to match the current and innovative requirements. Still there are so many reasons of delaying and cost overruns in construction industry. Out of which one of the main reason is Lean waste. These wastes are always hidden and we often neglect or do not give them importance for any analysis or scheduling work. To identify and to avoid those wastes, lean tools need to be implemented on such kind of projects. In this study lean tool in terms of Time and motion study is applied on plastering work of Three building construction sites of Surat, Gujarat, India (Site 1: Pratham, Site 2: IFM, Site 3: Celebration Home). Leant tool is applied on plastering work, which is divided in 3 Main activities, and those main 3 activities further divided in 9 different part. Time study is a direct and continuous observation of a task, using a timekeeping device (e.g., decimal minute stopwatch, computer-assisted electronic stopwatch, and videotape camera) to record the time taken to accomplish a task. Motion studies are performed to eliminate waste. Data was collected for sites during different time and of different types of labors. The analysis result show that some of the activities are having higher time than the average time that will force the task to overruns.Read More