Title: Supplemental Material for The Paradox of Conviction Probability: Mock Defendants Want Better Deals as Risk of Conviction Increases
Abstract:a URL, doi, or other permanent path for accessing the specified information in a public, openaccess repository, and the specified information must be provided in a format that is time-stamped, immutab...a URL, doi, or other permanent path for accessing the specified information in a public, openaccess repository, and the specified information must be provided in a format that is time-stamped, immutable, and permanent.Qualifying public, open-access repositories are committed to preserving data, materials, and/or registered analysis plans and keeping them publicly accessible via the web in perpetuity.Examples include the Open Science Framework (OSF) and the various Dataverse networks.Hundreds of other qualifying data/materials repositories are listed at http://re3data.org/.Preregistration of an analysis plan must take place via a publicly accessible registry system (e.g., OSF, ClinicalTrials.govor other trial registries in the WHO Registry Network, institutional registration systems).Personal websites and most departmental websites do not qualify as repositories.Read More