Title: Back Cover: Rapid, Ordered Polymerization of Crystalline Semiconducting Covalent Triazine Frameworks (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 4/2022)
Abstract:Abstract The rapid synthesis of crystalline semiconducting covalent triazine frameworks (CTFs) through a two-dimensional (2D) ordered polymerization mechanism is described by Yuxi Xu and co-workers in...Abstract The rapid synthesis of crystalline semiconducting covalent triazine frameworks (CTFs) through a two-dimensional (2D) ordered polymerization mechanism is described by Yuxi Xu and co-workers in their Communication (e202113926). Increasing the crystallinity of CTFs can significantly facilitate the photogenerated carrier transport and improve the photocatalytic activity. Single-layer/few-layer 2D triazine polymer nanosheets can be further obtained by ball-milling exfoliation of the bulk CTFs and exhibit superior photocatalytic performance.Read More