Title: A Reinterpretation of Kumarajiva’s Translation Thought and Its Enlightenment to the “Going Out” of Chinese Culture
Abstract:The translation of Buddhist sutras has played a vital role in the spread of Buddhism in China, of which Kumarajiva has made a great contribution. With his unique translation ideas and translation prac...The translation of Buddhist sutras has played a vital role in the spread of Buddhism in China, of which Kumarajiva has made a great contribution. With his unique translation ideas and translation practices, he made it easier for the Buddhist scriptures to be accepted by the public, thus promoting the spread of Buddhism and the exchange and integration of ancient Indian civilization and Chinese culture. Now, our country is also actively advocating the strategy of “culture going out”. To promote China’s culture to go abroad, to spread Chinese cultural symbols and values to the world?we will enhance China’s international discourse power and the international influence of Chinese culture, thus further enhancing China’s cultural soft power. In this context, more and more Sinology classics go to the world through translation, among which the translation of Sinology classics in English is undoubtedly the mainstream. Based on this, Kumarajiva’s translation thoughts can be used for reference to the translation process of “Chinese culture going out”, for instance, how to deal with cultural untranslatability and translate some words with cultural characteristics, which can better promote the spread of Chinese culture and enhance China’s international influence.Read More