Abstract:The issues of diagnostics and treatment of acute appendicitis are systematically covered in the periodical press, but insufficient attention is paid to the tactics of non-destructive (catarrhal) form ...The issues of diagnostics and treatment of acute appendicitis are systematically covered in the periodical press, but insufficient attention is paid to the tactics of non-destructive (catarrhal) form of appendicitis, the causes of rather frequent removal of morphologically unchanged processes in patients with the clinical picture of acute appendicitis and measures to reduce the number of needless appendectomies.
 Some authors consider appendectomy mandatory in all cases of pain syndrome in the right iliac region. Thus, according to S.D. Lebedev, appendectomy is performed in 84.4% of patients admitted with suspected appendicitis. The unchanged appendectomies, which, in the author's opinion, contribute to the reduction of appendicitis morbidity.Read More