Title: Do Tenentismo à ANL: a disputa de projetos para o Brasil
Abstract:From 1922 to 1935, the social formation of Brazil went through a revolutionary cycle in which several projects of nation were competing for political power. This historical process took place in the c...From 1922 to 1935, the social formation of Brazil went through a revolutionary cycle in which several projects of nation were competing for political power. This historical process took place in the context of the political and social crisis of the First Republic, added to the world crisis of capitalism. This article aims to demonstrate part of the military participation in Brazilian republican political history, in order to understand the emergence of the tenentista movement and its role in the 1930 movement, as well as the purposes of the National Liberation Alliance (ANL), organized in 1935, which is a legacy of both the tenentista tradition and the communist movement.Read More