Title: Men as middle managers doing and undoing gender in organizations
Abstract:Although middle managers are often presumed to resist change in organizations, they can act as change drivers. This article shows how men as middle managers aim to act as change agents for gender equa...Although middle managers are often presumed to resist change in organizations, they can act as change drivers. This article shows how men as middle managers aim to act as change agents for gender equality through doing and undoing gender. Through practices such as bonding with women by objectifying them, being engaged in women‐focused initiatives and using gender equality to advance their own careers, men as middle managers aim to create gender equality but often reaffirm existing gender inequalities. However, men were more successful in moving towards gender equality when developing those who are different from themselves. The article contributes to understanding the complexities in analyzing and conceptualizing how men as middle managers are undoing gender by showing that many undoing gender practices can lead to a (re)doing of gender. However, only by engaging with those complexities can men in middle management positions become effective change agents for gender equality.Read More