Title: Vocational Education In The Tobolsk Province In Xix - Xx Centuries
Abstract:The article analyzes the agricultural direction of public education in its two typical schools: veterinary and paramedic and agricultural itself. Attention is drawn to the specific feature of schools ...The article analyzes the agricultural direction of public education in its two typical schools: veterinary and paramedic and agricultural itself. Attention is drawn to the specific feature of schools in the study period: the interdependence of education, practice and research activities, the availability of agricultural education for the peasantry, both in terms of consumption and the location of schools. The study of the historical experience of the development of professional public education in the Tobolsk province at the turn of the century allows us to evaluate it as follows. Taking into account the objective conditions in the region, a system of professional education has developed. In addition to pedagogical, commercial, and handicraft directions, agricultural appears. Despite the fact that the local vocational school provided a minimum of the needs of the region for qualified personnel, it acquired its own features that are significant for provincial socio-economic development. Based on the involvement of archival sources, periodicals, historiographic analysis, the conclusion is drawn: during the period under study, the genesis of agricultural education is observed. Regionalization of education was manifested in practical assistance to the local population in the provision of veterinary and agricultural services, the use of experimental technologies, taking into account local natural and climatic conditions, priority for admission to educational institutions of the local population.Read More