Title: History of Soviet Cinematography: Regional Aspect, Banned Films and Science Fiction Movies
Abstract:The materials for this article are books by Soviet and contemporary authors on the history of Soviet cinema and the problems of Soviet cinema censorship.The proposed methodology is based on an integra...The materials for this article are books by Soviet and contemporary authors on the history of Soviet cinema and the problems of Soviet cinema censorship.The proposed methodology is based on an integrated approach that provided consideration of all aspects and relationships that influenced the processes under study.Research methods used in the work include historical-comparative and historical-systematic.The analysis of film studies literature has shown that in recent years, the authors have been particularly interested in studies of the development of Soviet cinema.However, against this background, not so many works have been published about Soviet films subject to censorship, and in fact there are no books that would collect and systematize information about Soviet science fiction.The information vacuum that formed in 2021 was filled with a number of new monographs, which are discussed in this article.Read More