Title: 2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic
Abstract:On 8-13 February 2020 City Space Architecture, the publisher of The Journal of Public Space, participated in the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi as an exhibitor, and in collaboration with 16 globa...On 8-13 February 2020 City Space Architecture, the publisher of The Journal of Public Space, participated in the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi as an exhibitor, and in collaboration with 16 global institutions promoted the exhibition 'PUBLIC SPACE IS VITAL FOR AN EQUITABLE URBAN FUTURE'. On April 7, while about 40% of global population was under coronavirus lockdown, City Space Architecture and the School of Architecture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong jointly announced the online initiative '2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic' through The Journal of Public Space: after one month of consultation, by email and through online meetings, with academic scholars and colleagues from different geographical locations, we, public space scholars and activists, felt the urgency to build social and health resilience by establishing an open environment for discussion and learning, while taking advantage of technology and virtual platforms that many could access for free.Read More