Title: Biotransformation of the Banana Pseudostem Scutchers into the Vermicompost by Eisenia fetida
Abstract:Vermicomposting is an ecofriendly technology to convert organic waste into organic fertilizer. An epigenic species Eisenia fetida was used for the biotransformation of the banana pseudostem scutchers ...Vermicomposting is an ecofriendly technology to convert organic waste into organic fertilizer. An epigenic species Eisenia fetida was used for the biotransformation of the banana pseudostem scutchers and cow dung into the vermicompost. Three different combinations of the banana pseudostem scutcher and cow dung were evaluated in the vermicomposting process. The change in the physicochemical parameters were examined by the standard method at the end of the vermicomposting. The results showed that earthworms increased the EC and NPK content while total carbon, pH and C:N ratio was reduced significantly in vermicompost of banana pseudostem scutchers. The maximum significant change in NPK content and reduction of total carbon and C:N ratio was found in the mixture of (75% banana pseudostem scutcher + 25% cow dung). The highest growth and reproduction rate was also present in the T2 treatment. The seed germination test was performed to evaluate the maturity of the vermicompost. The prepared vermicompost shows the significant effect on the growth of the Vigna radiata. The germination of the Vigna radiata is comparatively higher in vermicompost of the T2 treatment. It is evident from the results that the banana pseudostem scutcher and cow dung are good substrates for the vermicomposting and Eisenia fetida able to convert this organic waste into the stable nutrient rich product. This nutrient rich vermicompost has no phytotoxicity and the ratio of carbon/nitrogen below 15 which indicates the acceptable maturity and it can be utilize as organic fertilizer.Read More