Title: The Opportunities and Limitations of Blended Learning and the Flipped Classroom for Second Language Teaching
Abstract:Over the last decade, many educators have been investigating the pedagogical effectiveness of blended learning and flipped classroom models. In the conventional teaching process, instructors have been...Over the last decade, many educators have been investigating the pedagogical effectiveness of blended learning and flipped classroom models. In the conventional teaching process, instructors have been playing an essential role in the lecturing process. Conversely, students lead the learning process in the flipped classroom because they must complete tasks with extracurricular materials and classroom collaboration. Likewise, blended learning also asks students to dominate classroom learning procedures, but its communication medium is a mixture of face-to-face and online interaction. This essay evaluates blended learning and the flipped classroom model by evidence of both pros and cons. Lastly, the article concluded that the two new models provide significant reference cases in exploring better practice modes to increase the quality of second language teaching.Read More