Title: Supplemental Material: Initial uplift of the Qilian Shan, northern Tibet since ca. 25 Ma: Implications for regional tectonics and origin of eolian deposition in Asia
Abstract:Supplemental dataset: Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the sandstone samples from the Lulehe and Hongshangou sections; Figure S1: SEM images of 129 grains from sandstone sample LLH-1 showing grain roundne...Supplemental dataset: Detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the sandstone samples from the Lulehe and Hongshangou sections; Figure S1: SEM images of 129 grains from sandstone sample LLH-1 showing grain roundness characteristics; Figure S2: SEM images of 140 grains from sandstone sample LLH-2 showing grain roundness characteristics; Figure S3: SEM images of 123 grains from sandstone sample LLH-3 showing grain roundness characteristics; Figure S4: SEM images of 122 grains from sandstone sample HSG-7 showing grain roundness characteristics; Figure S5: SEM images of 123 grains from sandstone sample HSG-8 showing grain roundness characteristics; Figure S6: SEM images of 123 grains from sandstone sample HSG-9 showing grain roundness characteristics; Figure S7: SEM images of representative grains from the Lulehe and Hongshangou sections showing surface microtextures.Read More