Title: Establishment of normal reference intervals in serum biochemical parameters of domestic sows in Korea
Abstract:Dongyub Kim, Hwan-Deuk Kim, Youngmin Son, Sungho Kim, Min Jang, Seul-Gi Bae, Sung-Ho Yun, Seung-Joon Kim and Won-Jae Lee. Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology 2021;36:261-9. https://doi.or...Dongyub Kim, Hwan-Deuk Kim, Youngmin Son, Sungho Kim, Min Jang, Seul-Gi Bae, Sung-Ho Yun, Seung-Joon Kim and Won-Jae Lee. Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology 2021;36:261-9. https://doi.org/10.12750/JARB.36.4.261Read More