Title: A Study on the Allotment Gardens in Tokyo Area and the Financial Situation of Landowners
Abstract:This study investigates the outline of allotment gardens in Tokyo area and the policy of the local governments to financial support for landowners of allotment gardens, in order to clarify the relatio...This study investigates the outline of allotment gardens in Tokyo area and the policy of the local governments to financial support for landowners of allotment gardens, in order to clarify the relations between policy of the local government and the financial situation of landowners, by estimating the income and the expenditures of landowners and comparing its financial situation with that of farmers. Findings are mainly the following. 1) The city where land price is expensive tends to adopt a sufficient financial support for landowners. 2) Many landowners have a financial loss in the process of allotment gardens management; however, they are more advantageous than farmers. 3) The allotment gardens which are agricultural land for conservation make considerable profit without financial support of its local government.Read More