Title: Performance of broiler birds fed graded levels of clove (Syzgium aromaticum (L.) buds powder in semi-arid region, Nigeria
Abstract:The study was conducted on broiler chickens to investigate the effect of graded levels of clove buds powder fed on performance. A total of 288 broiler chickens were being used. The broiler chickens ra...The study was conducted on broiler chickens to investigate the effect of graded levels of clove buds powder fed on performance. A total of 288 broiler chickens were being used. The broiler chickens randomly divided into four treatments groups (four experimental diets): T1 (control), T2 (0.5 kg/100kg), T3 (1 kg/100kg) and T4 (1.5 kg/100kg). At the starter phase of experiment, the broiler chickens in treatment 4 (1.5 kg/100kg cloves) show better performs (p<0.05) in final body weight, body weight gain and body weight gain per bird compared to birds in treatment 1(control) and treatment 2 (0.5 kg/100kg). The final phase of the study shows significantly (p<0.05) decreases in feed intake, average daily feed intake and mortality rate with increasing levels of the clove buds powder fed, while body weight and weight gain were increase significantly (p<0.05) with increasing levels of the clove buds powder fed. The study concludes that the use of ingredients of the cloves in poultry diet significantly (p<0.05) improves performance at 1.5 kg/100kg fed inclusion for broiler birds at starter and final phase.Read More