Title: Laminar-turbulent transition in radial liquid film flow on a rotating disk. (2nd report. Velocity distritution and liquid film thickness).
Abstract:The radial thin liquid film flow on a rotating disk is investigated experimentally. Velocity distributions in the flow are measured by laser Doppler velocimeter and the liquid film thickness is measur...The radial thin liquid film flow on a rotating disk is investigated experimentally. Velocity distributions in the flow are measured by laser Doppler velocimeter and the liquid film thickness is measured by a point gage method. LDV measurement on the laminar flow clarify that a three-dimensional laminar boundary layer grows gradually in the downstream direction and finally the whole flow merges into a three-dimensional laminar boundary layer. Furthermore, it is found that surface velocity and liquid film thickness agree reasonably with Miyasaka's analysis as long as the flow is laminar. It is also found that the experimental results differ considerably from Miyasaka's analysis when the laminar-turbulent transition occurs.Read More