Title: Construction Automation and Robotics in the 21st Century
Abstract:Construction Automation and Robotics in the 21st Century Yukio Hasegawa Pages 565-568 (2006 Proceedings of the 23rd ISARC, Tokyo, Japan, ISBN 9784990271718, ISSN 2413-5844) Abstract: Construction auto...Construction Automation and Robotics in the 21st Century Yukio Hasegawa Pages 565-568 (2006 Proceedings of the 23rd ISARC, Tokyo, Japan, ISBN 9784990271718, ISSN 2413-5844) Abstract: Construction automation and robotization effort was started in around 1980 as ISACR and IAARC promising great progress by promoted technologies in the 21st century. Keywords: automation, robotics, construction, technologies DOI: https://doi.org/10.22260/ISARC2006/0106 Download fulltext Download BibTex Download Endnote (RIS) TeX Import to MendeleyRead More