Title: Strategic leadership: theory and research on executives, top management teams, and boards
Abstract:TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE DEDICATION 1. The Study of Top Executives 2. Do Top Executives Matter? 3. How Individual Differences Affect Executive Action 4. Executive Experiences and Organizational Outco...TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE DEDICATION 1. The Study of Top Executives 2. Do Top Executives Matter? 3. How Individual Differences Affect Executive Action 4. Executive Experiences and Organizational Outcomes 5. Top Management Teams 6. Changes at the Top: The Antecedents of Executive Turnover and Succession 7. Changes at the Top: The Consequences of Executive Turnover and Succession 8. Understanding Board Structure, Composition, and Vigilance 9. The Consequences of Board Involvement and Vigilance 10. The Determinants of Executive Compensation 11. Executive Compensation: Consequences and Distributions REFERENCES LIST OF TABLES ENDNOTESRead More