Title: (2845) Proposal to conserve the name <i>Nicotiana benthamiana</i> ( <scp> <i>N. suaveolens</i> </scp> var. <i>cordifolia</i> ) ( <i>Solanaceae</i> ) with a conserved type
Abstract:conspecific based upon morphological characteristics.This species may have been accidentally spread to Japan from southeastern China, but no stable populations have been formed there.Here we propose t...conspecific based upon morphological characteristics.This species may have been accidentally spread to Japan from southeastern China, but no stable populations have been formed there.Here we propose to conserve the name Rubus tsangiorum Hand.-Mazz.(l.c.) against R. hatsushimae Koidz.(l.c.) because, since its publication, R. hatsushimae has been mentioned only in a limited number of taxonomic works (e.g., Ohwi, Fl.Read More