Title: The impact of the Trianon Peace Treaty on the border zones - an attempt to analyse the historic territorial development pattern and its changes in Hungary
Abstract:border tended to face negative tendencies in their development paths.The settlements in the border zone characteristically stepped forward along the Slovenian, Austrian and Western-Slovakian border se...border tended to face negative tendencies in their development paths.The settlements in the border zone characteristically stepped forward along the Slovenian, Austrian and Western-Slovakian border sections.The results tended to draw the attention to the spatial polarization process because significant parts of the underdeveloped territories located along the borders did not exist prior to 1920.Furthermore, the increasing concentration of disadvantaged settlements in the border zone was not only the direct effect of the creation of the new state boundary but the cumulative result of multiple disadvantageous ongoing social processes.However, the border -undoubtedly -has had a significant role in the conservation and strengthening of the negative tendencies.At the same time, developed zones -more or less independently of the new borders -became more developed by 2016 (especially along the Western and North-western part of the state border).Read More