Title: Jyh-An Lee/Reto M. Hilty/Kung-Chung Liu (eds.) Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property
Abstract:Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most researched emerging technologies, which is understandable given the multidimensional nature of this topic. Its imminent economic relevance and the enorm...Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most researched emerging technologies, which is understandable given the multidimensional nature of this topic. Its imminent economic relevance and the enormous pace of development in this field make speedy and thorough answers to many challenges – including legal ones – essential. Even more importantly, AI – unlike many other emerging technologies – is clearly capable of triggering a paradigm shift in all aspects of society, including the legal system. Personality, liability and the protectability of AI and its outputs are just the tip of the iceberg. Indeed, none of these issues seem solely theoretical anymore. Most recently, the protectability of AI outputs (something that can have the most immediate economic consequences) was in the forefront of case law in multiple jurisdictions. In the last two years, for example, we have seen court rulings and other decisions (issued mainly by intellectual property offices) related...Read More