Title: The Role of Disaster Preparedness Agency in Flood and Landslide in Kalijompo Plantation Jember
 Indonesia which is rich in natural landscapes such as mountains, valleys and rivers has a risk of flash floods and landslides. Risks are increasing because of the equator crossin...Abstract
 Indonesia which is rich in natural landscapes such as mountains, valleys and rivers has a risk of flash floods and landslides. Risks are increasing because of the equator crossing Indonesia and the exploitation of nature by humans. These landscape characteristics, as well as the potential for flash floods and landslides, are also found in the Kalijompo Plantation, Jember Regency. thus alertness to disaster is needed. This research was conducted to describe and analyze institutions in alert to flash floods and landslides in the Kalijompo Plantation, Jember Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach through conducting interviews, documentation, and observation. Anthony Giddens' agency theory is borrowed as a theoretical approach. The findings of this study are agencies acting as facilitators, provocateurs, and motivators in disaster alertness. Agency motives in this context are social and economic. 
 Keywords: Agency, Vigilance, Banjir Bandang, Land Slide
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