Title: Using of WorldSkills competitions for CDIO standards development in USURT
Abstract:WorldSkills International (WSI) is an international non-profit association whose goal is to increase the status and standards of professional training and qualification all around the world, to popula...WorldSkills International (WSI) is an international non-profit association whose goal is to increase the status and standards of professional training and qualification all around the world, to popularize vocational occupations through international competitions around the world. Now WSI offers many engineering competencies, such as "Mobile Robotics", "Mechatronics" and others. "Mobile Robotics" competency is the best field to apply CDIO ideology. There, following the assignment, the competitors need to design a robot, assemble it, create and debug its control program. All stages of work are carried out in accordance with current industrial standards. The significant part of the required knowledge, skills and abilities is not part of the university curriculum, therefore the participants of the competitions acquire them on their own in their extracurricular time. USURT became the member of CDIO Initiative in 2018. Almost at the same time USURT Mechatronics department and its students of "Mechatronics and Robotics" started to participate in WorldSkills in such competencies as "Mobile Robotics" and "Prototype Modelling".Read More