Title: Diabetes Prediction Using Enhanced SVM and Deep Neural Network Learning Techniques
Abstract:Diabetes, caused by the rise in level of glucose in blood, has many latest devices to identify from blood samples. Diabetes, when unnoticed, may bring many serious diseases like heart attack, kidney d...Diabetes, caused by the rise in level of glucose in blood, has many latest devices to identify from blood samples. Diabetes, when unnoticed, may bring many serious diseases like heart attack, kidney disease. In this way, there is a requirement for solid research and learning model’s enhancement in the field of gestational diabetes identification and analysis. SVM is one of the powerful classification models in machine learning, and similarly, Deep Neural Network is powerful under deep learning models. In this work, we applied Enhanced Support Vector Machine and Deep Learning model Deep Neural Network for diabetes prediction and screening. The proposed method uses Deep Neural Network obtaining its input from the output of Enhanced Support Vector Machine, thus having a combined efficacy. The dataset we considered includes 768 patients’ data with eight major features and a target column with result “Positive” or “Negative”. Experiment is done with Python and the outcome of our demonstration shows that the deep Learning model gives more efficiency for diabetes prediction.Read More