Title: Construction of Romantic Love, Ideals of Couples and Gender Relations from the Lyrics of Norteña Music and Banda Sinaloense
Abstract:Popular music creates cultural narrations about romantic love, it makes cultural narrations on being men and women visible, as well as it does with practices related to gender violence. This article a...Popular music creates cultural narrations about romantic love, it makes cultural narrations on being men and women visible, as well as it does with practices related to gender violence. This article analyzes the construction of romantic love, as well as ideals of couples in the lyrics of norteña music and banda sinaloense. We carried out a thematic content analysis on 29 romantic ballads. We presented results in the categories of the search of a partner; everyday life together; eroticism and the splitting of couples. We concluded that song lyrics spread myths and beliefs on romantic love. These meanings recreate roles and interactions established by gender mandates, and they crystallize conditions of violence and inequality between men and women.Read More