Title: A Study on Global Warming- A Threat To Biodiversity and Universal Health
Abstract:Global Warming is a very serious issue. the term “Global Warming” means increase in global temperature mainly due to increase in greenhouse gases concentration due to the burning of fossil fuels in th...Global Warming is a very serious issue. the term “Global Warming” means increase in global temperature mainly due to increase in greenhouse gases concentration due to the burning of fossil fuels in the atmosphere and is long term warming of the planet. The whole world fights against it. The global warming changes the climate and is caused by the human action. Global warming is a very major problem and with it the flood, droughts, melting of ice, storms and change in climate is likely to happen. Steps have to be taken to solve the global problem global warming for the better universal health and better environment for the whole world. Due to global warming there will be environmental disruption and change in climate which will be an irreversible situation. The global warming is caused by the human and their activities and thus it is the human who is the sufferer of climate change, thus we cant stop global warming but we can solve it by reducing and slowing down the greenhouse gas emissions and burning of fossil fuels for a better environment for ourselves and a sustainable environment for the future generations.Read More