Title: Exploring how psychosocial factors influence the skill refinement process in tennis
 Coaches overseeing technical changes, which are driven by the desire to enhance performance, are a very common part of the coaching process among tennis players. A number of psych...
 Coaches overseeing technical changes, which are driven by the desire to enhance performance, are a very common part of the coaching process among tennis players. A number of psychosocial concomitants (e.g. confidence) appear important in influencing an athlete/coach’s ability to successfully implement such refinements. The current study explored this issue by conducting a series of semi-structured interviews with highly-skilled tennis players who have attempted to extensively refine an aspect of their technique. Remaining confident and committed to the changes prescribed by their coach were more likely to make refinement successful. Our data suggests the need for better communication between the coach and athlete at the initiation of the refinement and throughout the process.
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