Title: Expectations and Satisfaction of Physicians with Patient Referral Services in General Hospitals
Abstract:This study aimed to suggest some ways to improve the referral center system and to revitalize referralcenters by investigating physicians’ expectations and satisfaction with referral centers in genera...This study aimed to suggest some ways to improve the referral center system and to revitalize referralcenters by investigating physicians’ expectations and satisfaction with referral centers in general hospitals.A cross-sectional study was performed at general hospitals. The participants were 124 private practitionerswho referred patients to general hospitals. The data were collected using a questionnaire survey fromJanuary 25 to April 25, 2020. The physicians’ expectations and satisfaction with the referral center werehigher in the cooperating hospital than in the non-cooperating hospital. The average expectation of theparticipants in a cooperating hospital was higher (4.13±0.87) than in a non-cooperating hospital (4.0±0.97).The average satisfaction of the participants in the cooperating hospital was higher (3.72±1.03) than in thenon-cooperating hospital (3.57±1.02). The rapid booking process and treatment and kindness of staff atthe referral center significantly correlated with the participants’ satisfaction. This study suggests that theexpectations of physicians are continuously checked and practical and plans for strengthening medicalcooperation are in place. In addition, it is necessary to establish an effective medical delivery system asmedical referrals and returns are smoothly done between medical institutions.Read More